E3 has been spewing out some interesting titles out there with nice looking gameplay demos to them, but nothing seemed to be as spooky or surprising as the new entry into the Resident Evil series, biohazard.

This seventh game in the franchise about biochemical infection seems to be taking a different route from its typical gameplay by bringing up the scary factor quite a bit. Attendees had a hard time trying to guess what it would turn out to be, as it appeared to look very much like ET (cancelled-Silent Hill playable demo). This trailer below shows a decrepit house to explore, picking up items and discovering the plot along the way while being watched from some creepy figure in the darkness. There doesn’t seem to be the staple characters at all so far but who knows, they will probably reveal more on the plot in the coming months.


Resident Evil VII biohazard will be released for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on January 24th, 2017. A PS4 playable demo is out right now!


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